Welcome to Satisfied Soles Reflexology & Therapies

At Satisfied Soles, Sophie creates a peaceful and healing experience for her clients. As an ITEC-qualified Reflexologist, Massage therapist, and Reiki practitioner she is dedicated to providing you with the best care possible. Relax, rejuvenate, and restore your mind and body with her personalised treatments.


Why Satisfied Soles?

Based in the picturesque town of Godmanchetser in Cambridgeshire.

My intentions as a holistic therapist are...

  • To always treat you with respect, dignity, and care.

  • To show empathy & understanding offering a safe and non-

    judgmental space.

  • For you to be the most important person for the period of your treatment.

  • To make lifestyle recommendations where possible.

  • To genuinely care about your health, feelings, and well-being.

  • To help you help yourself by looking at you as a whole person rather than just treating/masking the symptoms.

  • To radiate positive energy.

  • To work in conjunction and together with other therapists and doctors for your good health.

    This is the promise I make to each and every one of my clients...

When you choose Satisfied Soles, you're choosing expertise, professionalism, and total peace of mind. Trust Sophie to guide you on your wellness journey, and let's make this moment about you. You deserve it.

Feel at home with Satisfied Soles, and let's work together to make a difference in your well-being. Your story is important to me, and Iā€™m here to make it a truly special one.